I grew up, happily, in a fundamentalist Christian denomination until about a decade ago when I experienced a crisis of faith. Fr. Stephen's writing has played a crucial role in my conversion and continued faith in God, by holding my hand through a major paradigm shift. His writing about the comparison of a two-storey universe and the one-storey universe most clearly explain this paradigm shift, and I return to re-read these articles frequently. This is about a faith that is not abstract or at odds with the natural world, but the reality that God is with us and fully integrated into our life and world.
Since I first began reading about this metaphor I have pictured it in little cartoons, but I only sat down to draw them this last week. Forgive me, I can't promise they illustrate the concept perfectly, and they have a little humor infused (at least, I think they do). Most of these cartoons come out of the writing at the link above, but he has written many more articles to expand this topic; see also these discussions on the church and unbelief.